Midian in Smiths Bible Dictionary
(strife), a son of Abraham and Keturah, Ge 25:2; 1Ch 1:32
progenitor of the Midianites, or Arabians dwelling
principally in the desert north of the peninsula of Arabia.
Southward they extended along the eastern shore of the Gulf
of Eyleh (Sinus AElaniticus); and northward they stretched
along the eastern frontier of Israel. The "land of Midian,"
the place to which Moses fled after having killed the
Egyptian, Ex 2:15,21 or the portion of it specially referred
to, was probably the peninsula of Sinai. The influence of
the Midianties on the Israelites was clearly most evil, and
directly tended to lead them from the injunctions of Moses.
The events at Shittim occasioned the injunction to vex
Midian and smite them. After a lapse of some years, the
Midianites appear again as the enemies of the Israelites,
oppressing them for seven years, but are finally defeated
with great slaughter by Gideon. [GIDEON] The Midianites are
described as true Arabs, and possessed cattle and flocks and
camels as the sand of the seashore for multitude. The spoil
taken in the war of both Moses and of Gideon is remarkable.
Nu 31:22; Jud 8:21,24-26 We have here a wealthy Arab
nation, living by plunder, delighting in finery; and, where
forays were impossible, carrying ont he traffic southward
into Arabia, the land of gold --if not naturally, by trade--
and across to Chaldea, or into the rich plains of Egypt.
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