Mesopotamia: Root Entry
Mesopotamia stands at the very dawn of human recorded history; we are often fooled into thinking of Mesopotamia as some distant relative, but it is, in fact, a culture stunningly different from our own. We are going to tour the mysteries of this foundational civilization: it's life, it's words, it's gods, and it's writing; you're invited to browse through the dust and heat of one of first cultures to inscribe for the future the story of its existence.
History and Peoples,
Mesopotamian History and Peoples,
The Sumerians,
The Akkadians,
The Amorites,
The Hittites,
The Kassites,
The Assyrians,
The Chaldeans,
Mesopotamian Culture ,
Cuneiform ,
Resources ,
A Gallery of Mesopotamia ,
Mesopotamian Timeline ,
An Anthology of Mesopotamian Readings ,
A Glossary of Mesopotamia ,
Internet Resources on Mesopotamia
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