Merchant in Easton's Bible Dictionary
The Hebrew word so rendered is from a root meaning "to
about," "to migrate," and hence "a traveller." In
the East, in
ancient times, merchants travelled about with their
from place to place (Gen. 37:25; Job 6:18), and
carried on their
trade mainly by bartering (Gen. 37:28; 39:1). After
the Hebrews
became settled in Israel they began to engage in
pursuits, which gradually expanded (49:13; Deut.
33:18; Judg.
5:17), till in the time of Solomon they are found in
the chief
marts of the world (1 Kings 9:26; 10:11, 26, 28;
22:48; 2 Chr.
1:16; 9:10, 21). After Solomon's time their trade
with foreign
nations began to decline. After the Exile it again
expanded into
wider foreign relations, because now the Jews were
scattered in
many lands.
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