Marcus Brutus in Roman Biography
Brutus, (Marcus Junius,) a noted Roman, son of the
preceding, was born in So B.C. Cato Uticensis was his
maternal uncle, and afterwards his father-in-law, Brutus
having married his daughter Porcia. In the civil wars
he sided with Pompey. After the battle of Pharsalia he
was treated with great kindness by Caesar, and appears
to have been sincerely attached to him for a time. He
.it the instigation of Caesar's enemies, induced to
the conspiracy against the life of the dictator.
he and Cassius became the leaders of the
republican army against Antony and Octavius. At the
battle of Philippi, Brutus, who commanded the right was at
first completely successful, and drove the
troops of Octavius even to their camp ; but Antony,
ving the mistake his enemies had committed iii
pursuing fugitives, instead of assuring the victory to their
own friends, turned upon the exposed flank of Cassius
and entirely changed the fortune of the day. The republican
troops were totally defeated; and Brutus, after
seeing many of his bravest and most attached followers
ay down their lives in order to prevent his falling into
the hands of his enemies, killed himself with his own
sword, 36 B.C.
Plutarch "Lives;" Appian, "Bellum Civile;" Quevedo
rVllLEC.AS, "VidadeM. Bruto," 1648.
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