Latrun in Wikipedia
Latrun (Hebrew: לטרון, Latrun; Arabic: اللطرون, al-Latrun)
is a strategic hilltop in the Ayalon Valley in Israel
overlooking the road to Jerusalem. It is located 25
kilometers west of Jerusalem and 14 kilometers southeast of
Etymology -
There are two theories regarding the origin of the name of
Latrun. One is that it is a corruption of Le toron des
chevaliers (the Castle of the Knights), the Crusader
stronghold in the area.[1] The other is that it is named for
the good thief who was crucified by the Romans alongside
Jesus (Lucas 23:40-43).[1]
History --
Biblical era -
In the Hebrew Bible, the Ayalon Valley was the site of a
battle in which the Israelites, led by Joshua, defeated the
Amorites (Joshua 10:1-11). Centuries of Jewish sovereignty
ensued.[1] Later, Judah Maccabee established his camp here
in preparation for battle with the Seleucid Greeks, who had
invaded Israel/Judea and were camped at Emmaus. As described
in the Book of Maccabees, the Greeks found the Jewish camp
empty, and were then surprised by an attack by Judah's
forces appearing suddenly in the valley. The ensuing battle
provided the Jewish forces with the first major victory in
the Maccabean Revolt, ultimately leading to more than a
century of renewed Jewish independence under the rule of the
Hasmonean dynasty.
Crusader era -
Remains of the Crusader castle at Latrun
Little remains of the castle, which was held by the Templars
by 1187. The main tower was later surrounded with a
rectangular enclosure with vaulted chambers. This in turn
was enclosed by an outer court, of which one tower
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