Lamech in Smiths Bible Dictionary
(powerful), properly Lemech.
1. The fifth lineal descendant from Cain. Ge 4:18-24
He is the only one except Enoch, of the posterity of Cain,
whose history is related with some detail. His two wives, Adah
and Zillah, and his daughter Naamah, are, with Eve, the only
antediluvian women whose names are mentioned by Moses. His
three sons, Jabal, Jubal and Tubal-cain, are celebrated in
Scripture as authors of useful inventions. The remarkable poem
which Lamech uttered may perhaps be regarded as Lamech's son
of exultation on the invention of the sword by his son Tubal-
cain, in the possession of which he foresaw a great advantage
to himself and his family over any enemies.
2. The father of Noah. Ge 5:29
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