Julius Caesar in Roman Biography
Caesar, (Julius,) [Fr. Jules Cesar, zhiil sa'ziR'; It
Giulio Cesare, joo'leo cha'sa-ra ; Ger. Julius Casar,
(or Caksar,) yoo'le-us tsa'zar,] or, more fully, Ca'iua
Ju'lius Cae'sar.one of the greatest generals and greatest
men that ever lived, was born in July, 100 B.C. He be
longed to the Julian tribe or family, (Julia gens,) one of
the most ancient in Rome, since it boasted its descent
from Julus or lulus, the son of ^Eneas. Through the
influence of Marius, who had married Cassar's aunt Julia,
he was elected priest of Jupiter ( Flamen Dialis) while
yet a mere boy. In 83 B.C. he married Cornelia, the
daughter of ('inn.-.. This act gave great offence to
Sulla, who commanded him to divorce his wife ; and, on
his refusing to do so, he was proscribed. He escaped
from Rome, and concealed himself for a time in the
country of the Sabines. At length, at the intercession
of some of Sulla's friends, he was reluctantly pardoned
by the dictator, who remarked, it is said, that the young
Cassar would some day be the ruin of the aristocratic
party, adding,
" In that boy there are many Mariuses."
Soon after Cassar went to Nicomedes, King of Bithynia,
and subsequently served with distinction in the Roman
army in Cilicia. Having heard, while here, of the death
of Sulla, he returned at once to Rome. About 76 B.C.,
while on his way to Rhodes for the purpose of studying
oratory under Apollonius Molo, (who was also the instructor
of Cicero,) he was taken prisoner by the pirates
with whom the Mediterranean was at that time greatly
infested. He was detained by them more than a month,
until his friends could raise the sum demanded for his
ransom. According to Plutarch, he treated his captors
with great contempt, and, whenever he wished to sleep,
used to send and order them to keep silence. He even
threatened-in jest, as they supposed-to crucify them
when he got his liberty. The ransom having at length
been paid, he manned some Milesian vessels, pursued
and took the pirates prisoners in their turn, and crucified them according to his promise. Having remained for
some time in Rhodes, he returned to Rome, and became
a candidate for popular favour. His patrimonial estate
being insufficient to supply the means for that unbounded
liberality by which he sought to ingratiate
himself with the people, he borrowed for this purpose
vast sums from the usurers. It was cast upon him as
a reproach, by his enemies, that he was always in debt,
and that his poverty ceased only when he had turned his
arms against Rome and robbed the " public treasury. Then for the first time," says Lucan,
" Rome was poorer
than Caesar."*
Caesar was elected quaestor in 68 B.C. ; and in the same
year his wife Cornelia died. In 67 he married Pompeia,
a relative of Pompey the Great, and granddaughter of
Sulla the dictator. This was especially intended to conciliate
Pompey ; and by various other means he sought
to ingratiate himself with that great leader. He became
aedile in 65 B.C., and purchased the favour of the populace
by the exhibition of public games surpassing in
magnificence anything of the kind ever before seen in
Rome. In 64 B.C. he was elected pontifex maximus.
Catiline's conspiracy occurred in 63, and Caesar was by
many suspected of being accessory to it. When Cicero
called for the opinion of the senators as to the punishment
which should be inflicted on the conspirators, all
the others gave judgment in favour of their death, until
it came to Caesar's turn to speak. He contended that it
was contrary to justice and to the usage of the Roman
commonwealth to put men of their birth and dignity to
death without an open trial, except in a case of extreme
necessity. He recommended that they should be kept
in prison in any of the cities of Italy which Cicero might
fix upon, and that these cities should be bound by the
severest penalties to keep them safely. Caesar's argu
ments had great influence with the senate ; but Cato,
following in an earnest and powerful speech, in which he
accused Caesar of being connected with the conspiracy,
carried most of the senators with him : the conspirators
were condemned to death ; and Caesar himself narrowly
escaped. As he was leaving the senate-house, his life was
threatened by some of the Roman knights ; and, had it
not been for the fear of the common people, it is probable
that he might have been included in the accusation
with Lentulus, Cethegus, and the rest.
He became praetor in 62 B.C., and the next year was
sent as propraetor to Spain, where he gained no little
distinction both as a general and a civil magistrate, and
was saluted by his army imperator. He was elected consul,
with L. Calpurnius Bibulus as his colleague, in 60,
and in 59 B.C. entered upon the duties of his office. One
of his first measures was to propose an agrarian law, by
which a rich tract of public land was to be distributed
among the poorer citizens, especially those who had
several children. Although this measure was strongly
opposed by his colleague Bibulus, it was carried, chiefly
through the influence of Pompey and Crassus. In order
that he might strengthen his interest with Pompey still
more, he gave him his daughter Julia in marriage,
although she had previously been affianced to Servilius
Caepio. Soon after Caesar himself married Calpuniia,
the daughter of L. Piso, for whom he procured the consulship
the ensuing year. He formed a secret alliance
with Pompey and Crassus, known as the first triumvirate.
Supported by such influence, Caesar had no difficulty in
carrying through the senate whatever measures he
pleased. The government both of Transalpine and
Cisalpine Gaul, with that of Illyricum, was decreed to
him for five years. The following spring, ("58 B.C.,) when
L. Piso and A. Gabinius were consuls, Caesar left Rome
for Transalpine Gaul, and before winter had ended triumphantly
two formidable wars, the one with the Helvetii,
and the other with Ariovistus, a German prince
who had some time before crossed the Rhine and, being
supported by a powerful army, had established himself
in the eastern part of Gaul. The next year he subdued
the various Belgic tribes or nations dwelling between
the Rhine and the Seine. In 56 B.C., having divided his forces, assigning a part of them to his different generals
(legati) respectively, he overran nearly all the rest of
Gaul, besides quelling the insurrections of several nations
who had been subdued the year before. In 55 he
surprised and cut to pieces two powerful German tribes
who had attempted to establish themselves in Gaul. In
order more effectually to strike terror into the Germans,
he crossed the Rhine by a bridge which he had constructed
for that purpose, and, after ravaging the territories
of the Sigambri, he recrossed the river and destroyed
the bridge. The same year he invaded Britain, and
compelled the submission of several of the tribes. The
following year he made another expedition into Britain,
defeated Cassivellaunus, one of their princes, who had
been chosen generalissimo by the different tribes, and,
having demanded hostages and fixed the tribute whicli
Britain should pay to the Romans, he returned to Gaul.
The ensuing autumn a most formidable revolt occurred
among the Eburones, under their king Ambiorix, who
succeeded, by stratagem or treachery, in surprising and
cutting to pieces a considerable body of Caesar's troops
under the generals Sabinus and Cotta. Fortunately,
Caesar had not yet set out for Italy, as he was accustomed
to do on the approach of winter. Ambiorix,
whose army had become much increased in consequence
of his recent victory, was soon after defeated by Caesar
with great loss; but the latter deemed it most prudent
to remain in Gaul through the entire winter. During
the summer of 53 B.C. Caesar was chiefly occupied in repressing
an extensive conspiracy which had been formed
among the different Gallic nations, and in reducing to
subjection such as had broken out into an open revolt.
The following year a general insurrection took place
among the Gauls. It was headed by Vercingetorix, a
young nobleman of the Arverni, who proved himself to
be a general of no mean capacity ; so that Caesar's situation
was for a time extremely critical. There appeared
to be the greatest unanimity among the various Gallic
nations. Even the ^Edui, who, from the time when
Caesar first obtained the government of Gaul, had been
faithful allies to the Romans until now, made common
cause with the rest, and joined the revolt. They took
Noviodunum, a walled town which Caesar had made the
chief depository of his stores ; and he was obliged to
retreat to his lieutenant Labienus, beyond the Loire.
But, having received reinforcements, he besieged Vercingetorix
in Alesia, and at length compelled him to
surrender. In the next year (51 B.C.) Caesar completed
the pacification of Gaul. His daughter Julia, the wife of
Pompey, had died in 54 B.C. Crassus, the other member
of the triumvirate, had lost his life in the war against
the Parthians. A coldness had gradually sprung up
between him and Pompey, who appears to have become
jealous of the recent brilliant successes of his colleague.
From his first entrance into public life Caesar had attached
himself to the popular party, and had constantly
studied how he might reduce or overthrow the power of
the aristocracy. Pompey, on the other hand, a favourite
and connection of Sulla, had been one of the staunchest
adherents of the senatorial faction, and, after the
death of the dictator, was generally regarded as the
chief of the aristocratic party. And although, through
the arts and influence of Caesar, he had been induced
for a time to take the other side, on the breaking up
of their friendship he naturally fell back to his former
position. There had been for some time, on the part of
the aristocracy, a growing jealousy of Caesar's power and
influence in the state. Some of the more violent were
resolved to crush him, if possible, at all hazards. In the
year 50 B.C. it was proposed to the senate, by Claudius
Marcellus, that Caesar, having now finished the Gallic
war, should be required to lay down his command. But
the tribune Curio, whom Caesar had by large bribes
gained over to his interest, interposed his veto. Caesar
was, however, on different pretexts, deprived of two of
his legions. Yet, desirous-or seeming to be so-of
avoiding a rupture, if possible, he proposed to the senate,
through Curio, to resign his command on condition
that Pompey would do the same. The senate, however,
refused even to consider the proposition. Afterwards,
on the motion of Scipio, it was decreed that Caesar should disband his army against a certain clay, otherwise
he should be held to be an enemy of the republic. This
was a virtual declaration of war ; for few, if any, could
suppose that Caesar would give up his army without a
struggle. On being informed of the resolution of the
senate, he assembled his soldiers and harangued them
on the subject of his wrongs. When he found that they
eagerly espoused his cause, he determined to Strike at
once, while his enemies were yet unprepared. With only
5000 infantry and 300 horse-for his other forces were
still beyond the Alps-he marched towards the confines
of Italy, which, with its then limits, was separated on the
east from Cisalpine Gaul by the small river Rubicon.
When he arrived at the banks of this stream, as Plutarch
informs us, he hesitated for some time, revolving in his
mind the arguments for and against the momentous
step which he was about to take. At last, " exclaiming, The die is cast !" he crossed the river, and, advancing
with the utmost expedition, he occupied successively
Ariminum, Arretium, Pisaurum, Ancona, Auximum, besides
other places. Owing partly to his popularity and
partly to the fear which his name inspired, all the towns
Italy seemed ready to open their gates at his approach.
His triumphant progress filled Rome with consternation.
In the general panic, Pompey, the two consuls, and most
of the senators fled from the city in the direction of Capua.
Pompey continued his flight to Brundisium, whither he
was closely pursued by Caesar. He escaped, however,
to Greece. Caesar, being unable to follow, for want of
ships, returned to Rome, and not long after set out for
Spain, where Afranius and Petreius, Pompey's lieutenants,
were at the head of a formidable army. In his
first engagement with them Caesar was worsted ; but,
after encountering for a time great hardships from the
want of provisions, he at length triumphed over every
obstacle, and compelled Afranius and Petreius to sue for
peace, which he granted on condition that they should
disband their forces and not again take arms against
him during the war. Having overcome all opposition
in Spain,-the conquest of which occupied him only
about forty days,-and subsequently reduced Massilia,
(Marseilles,) he hastened to Rome. During his absence
in Spain he had been declared dictator by the prsetor
M. Lepidus. After eleven days, during which time
several important laws had been passed, he abdicated
the dictatorship, and immediately set out for Brundisium,
where he had ordered his forces to assemble. But he
found it impossible to obtain vessels sufficient for their
transportation : he was therefore under the necessity of
carrying over to Greece only a part of his troops at the
first passage. Meanwhile, his situation was critical in the
extreme ; for Pompey, on account of the multitude of his
ships, had command of the sea, and a strict watch was
kept upon the movements of Caesar's vessels, so that
the forces of the latter were for a considerable time
divided, one part having been landed in Epirus, while
the other was compelled to remain in Italy. At length
Bibulus, the commander of Pompey's fleet, died ; and,
his place not being at once supplied, each of the officers
acted according to his own judgment and independently
of the others. After a time, the vigilance of the blockade
having been somewhat relaxed, the remainder of
Caesar's forces were carried over, under the conduct of
his faithful friends Mark Antony and Fufius Calenus.
In his first encounter with Pompey, near Dyrrachium,
Caesar was repulsed with some loss, and compelled to
retreat. He withdrew to Thessaly, whither he was pursued
by Pompey. At last the two opposing armies met
on the plains of Pharsalia ; and although the forces of
Pompey (consisting of about 45,000 infantry and 7000
cavalry) were more than double those of his rival, who
had about 22,000 foot-soldiers and 1000 horse, they
sustained a disastrous defeat According to Caesar's
own statement, about 15,000 of Pompey's men fell in
the conflict, and more than 24,000 were taken prisoners.
Pompey escaped to Egypt, where he was treacherously
murdered. (See Pompey.) The result of the civil war
may be said to have been decided by the battle of Pharsalia.
But there still remained a formidable army of the
Pompeians in Africa, under the command of Scipio and
Cato. Caesar did not, however, proceed at once against these enemies. Having followed Pompey to Egypt, he
became involved in a dispute respecting the claims of
Ptolemy and his sister Cleopatra to the throne of that
country. Captivated by the charms of Cleopatra, ht
supported her cause against her elder brother, who perished
during the war which ensued. Cleopatra was declared
Queen of Egypt ; but her younger brother, called
also Ptolemy, was associated with her on the throne.
Before returning to Rome, Caesar inarched against Pharnaces,
son of Mithridates the Great, King of Pontus,
and totally defeated him near Zela. It was concerning
this victory that he wrote to the senate the famous letter
comprised in three words, "l-'erti, vidi, vici," ("I came,
I saw, I conquered.") He arrived at Rome in September,
47 B.C., and before the end of that year set out for
Africa. The opposing armies met at Thapsus, near the
sea-coast, to the southeast of Carthage. The result was
the total defeat, and ail-but extermination, of the forces
under Scipio. The Caesarean soldiers, exasperated by
the obstinacy with which the war had been protracted,
cut to pieces all whom they overtook, killing without
mercy even those who offered themselves as prisoners,
in spite of the remonstrances and entreaties of Caesar.
The cause of the senatorial party having become utterly
desperate, Scipio, Juba, Cato, and several others of the
leaders, unwilling to fall into the power of the conqueror,
put an end to their lives with their own hands.
Caesar returned to Rome, the undisputed master of
the world. But he had scarcely completed the celebration
of his recent victories, when intelligence arrived
that Pompey's sons, Cneius and Sextus, had assembled
a powerful army in Spain. Caesar hastened with his
usual promptitude to meet the new danger. He engaged
his enemies near Munda, and, after a very severe
action, put them to a total rout. According to Plutarch,
when Caesar saw his men hard pressed and making but
a feeble resistance, he rushed into the thickest of the
fight, exclaiming,
" Are you not ashamed to deliver up
your general into the hands of these boys ?"-alluding
to me youth of Pompey's sons. After the battle he said
to his friends that he had often fought for victory ; but
then, for the first time, he had fought for his life. ' This
was the last of Caesar's wars.
Although he had thus risen to the summit of power
on the ruins of the republic, in the exercise of that power
he appears never to have lost sight of the true interests
of his country and of the world. One of the first subjects
that claimed his attention was the regulation of the
Roman calendar. For this purpose, though well versed
himself both in mathematics and astronomy, he availed
himself of the skill of the most eminent mathematicians
of that age. The improved mode of computing time
introduced by him has, with some slight modifications,
been adopted by all civilized nations, and his name has
become inseparably associated with the new calendar,
both in the name of the month July, and in the phrases
"Julian year," "Julian period," etc. He procured the
enactment of several important and salutary laws, and
was revolving in his mind vast projects of public improvements,
including the preparation of a complete
digest of the Roman laws, the clearing out and enlarging
of the harbour of Ostia, (at the mouth of the Tiber,)
the draining of the Pontine marshes, the cutting of a
canal across the Isthmus of Corinth, and the establishment
of public libraries, when death put an end to his
labours and undertakings.
After the total overthrow of the partisans of Pompey,
he had received from the senate the title of Imperator
(whence comes our word "emperor") for life; he was
also declared dictator, and Prafectus AJorum, (" prefect
of manners," or "
customs,") both offices being perpetual.
As pontifcx maximus, or high-priest, he had control of
the religion of the state. To all these honours he wished
to add the title of king, {rex,) and thus to hand down
his power and dignities to his successor. Having no legitimate
children, he adopted his grand-nephew Octavius,
whose mother Atia was the daughter of Julia the sister
of Caesar, as his successor and the inheritor of his name.
His devoted adherent Mark Antony, on the occasion
of the festival called Lupercalia, perhaps with a view
to sound the feelings of the people, publicly offered to Caesar a regal crown ; but he, perceiving that it displeased
the multitude, refused it, though, as it was thought, with
some reluctance. The name of king, from the time of
the Tarquins, had always been, and still was, peculiarly
odious to all classes of the Romans ; and this consideration
encouraged Caesar's bitter enemies, of whom there
vyere not a few concealed among the aristocracy, to believe
that the taking of his life would meet with many
approvers even among the people. There was at length
formed against him a conspiracy, in which more than
sixty persons were implicated. The principal instigator
and leader of the enterprise was Cassius, who had distinguished
himself as the lieutenant of Crassus in the
Parthian war. M. Brutus was also prominent among
the conspirators. He appears to have been actuated
by a sincere though mistaken patriotism; while Cassius,
there is leason to believe, was chiefly influenced by personal
animosity. It is said that Caesar had many warnings
of his approaching fate, and that the night before
his death his wife Calpurnia dreamed that he was murdered
in her arms. In the morning she entreated him
with te;js not to go to the senate-house, as he had intended.
When he had almost decided to stay at home,
Decimui Brutus, one of the conspirators, to whom, as
well as to M. Brutus, Caesar had shown many favours,
and in whom he had the greatest confidence, came in,
and at length prevailed on him to go with him to meet
the senate. It had been arranged, as it appears, that
while one of the conspirators, L. Tillius Cimber, was
presenting a petition to Caesar, some of the others
should crowd around, as if to urge the same request,
when an attack upon him should be made by all at
once. At first Caesar resolutely resisted; but, when he
perceived the number of his assailants, he wrapped himself
in his toga and resigned himself to his fate. According
to one account, Cxsar defended himself with
spirit until he saw the dagger of M. Brutus among the
rest, when he exclaimed,
" Et tu, Brute !" (" Thou too,
Brutus !") and yielded without any further
Shakspeare, in his tragedy of "Julius Caesar," appears
to have followed scrupulously and minutely the popular
traditions respecting the death of Caesar. After his
death it was found that his body had been pierced with
twenty-three wounds. He was assassinated on the Ides
of March, 44 B.C., in the fifty-sixth year of his age.
Caesar was tall in stature, and of a noble and commanding
presence. He was naturally of a delicate constitution
; but by continual exercise and by a frequent
exposure to hardships, with the aid of an indomitable
will, he became so hardy that few if any could surpass
him in enduring the fatigues and privations of a military
life. It would seem, however, that his unremitting mental
exertions and anxieties began at last to tell upon his
health ; for Suetonius speaks of his suffering from ill
health, assigning it as a reason why he was so reckless
of the warnings given him by the soothsayers, as if his
life had not been worth the trouble necessary for its
preservation. He was subject to occasional attacks of
epilepsy ; but they were so rare that they do not appear
to have seriouslv interfered with his attention to his
multitudinous affairs.
Considered as a general, a statesman, and a ruler, we
must admit that few, if any,-even among the most remarkable
men that ever lived,-have equalled him, especially
if we take into account the versatility as well as the
greatness of his talents. " As a soldier," says Suetonius,
"it is hard to say whether he was more cautious or
mor; daring. He never marched his army where he was
liable to any ambush from the enemy without taking all
possible precaution by his scouts. Nor did he pass over
into Britain until he had made due inquiry respecting the
harbours and what convenience there was for landing
his troops. Yet when information was brought him of
the siege of a camp of his in Germany, he made his way
to his men in a Gallic dress through the enemy's guards.
He also went over from Brundisium to Dyrrachium in
winter in the midst of the hostile fleets." In the fertility
of his resources he appears to have been superior to
every other commander of whom history makes mention.
He rarely if ever repeated the same stratagem ; but he
seems to have had a new expedient or invention for every new occasion, and one which was always adequate to the
Speaking of those extraordinary men who have compelled
"nations unaccustomed to control" to bow obedient
to their will, Macaulay remarks that "in this class
three men stand pre-eminent,-Caesar, Cromwell, and
Bonaparte. The highest place in this remarkable triumvirate
belongs undoubtedly to Caesar. He united
the talents of Bonaparte to those of Cromwell ; and he
possessed also what neither Cromwell nor Bonaparte
possessed,-learning, taste, wit, eloquence, the sentiments
and the manners of an accomplished gentleman."
(See his article on Hallam's " Constitutional History," in
the "Edinburgh Review," 1828.) In Caesar the intellect,
the passions, and the will appear to have maintained
a perfect equipoise. For, strong and fierce as
were his passions, he never allowed them to rule him ;
thus justifying the well-known line of Pope's "Temple
of Fame,"-
"Cjesar, the world's great master, and his own."
He never permitted personal pique or animosity to interfere
in any way with the grand purposes of his life.
Although he was, it must be confessed, very far from
being a virtuous man, even in the pagan acceptation of
the word, he possessed some very noble and rare moral
qualities. He appears to have shunned, as by
" an immortal
instinct," everything that was petty, narrow, or
vindictive. Generosity and magnanimity seem to have
been inseparable parts of his nature. Suetonius, who
certainly did not err on the side of partiality, says Caesar
was always obliging and kind to his friends, mentioning
as an example that when he was on a journey through a
wild country with C. Oppius, and the latter was suddenly
taken ill, Caesar gave up to him the only sleeping-apartment,
and lay himself on the ground in the open air.
The same writer also observes that he never carried a
quarrel so far but that he was always ready to lay it down
when a reasonable occasion offered. His clemency and
generosity were conspicuous in every part of his life, but
especially so towards the conquered party in the civil
war. He was not only a perfect master in the use of
arms, and a most skilful horseman, but he was accustomed,
when occasion required, to swim across rivers
rather than permit the slightest delay. In oratory he
was, in that age, second only to Cicero ; and it is thought
that had he devoted himself more fully to the study he
might have surpassed Cicero himself. He is said to have
been a perfect master of all the learning and science of
his time. Besides being a general, statesman, jurist,
orator, and historian, he was also a poet, a mathematician,
an astronomer, and an architect. As a historian he
justly holds a very high rank. His style is distinguished
for clearness, ease, and simplicity, and is not without elegance.
His historical writings consist of the first seven
books of the commentaries relating to the Gallic war
and the three books concerning the civil war. Besides
the above, he wrote various other works, of which only
fragments remain. A few of his letters have been preserved
among the letters of Cicero.
See Plutarch, "Lives;" Suetonius, "Lives of the Twelve
Caesars:" C«sak, "Commentaries;" Dion Cassius, "History of
Rome ;" Appian,
" Bellum Civile ;"Drumann, "Geschichte Roms;"
Julius Celsus, "De Vita et Rebus gestis C. J. Caesaris," 169; ; Richard
de Burv,
Histoire de la Vie de J. Cesar," 2 vols., 1758;
At pim\-sE DK Beauchamp, "Vie de J. Cesar," 1823: Napoleon
Bonaparte, "Precis des Guerres de J. Ce'sar, ecrit par M. Marchaud
sous la Dieted de l'Empereur," 1836; Enrico Bindi, "Sulla
Vita e sulle Opere di C. G. Cesare discorso," 1844 • P- VAN Limburg-
Brouwer, "Cesar en zijne Tijdgenooten," 4 vols., 1845-46; Jacob
Abbott, "Life of Julius Caesar," 1849; Napoleon III., "Histoire
de Jules C^sar," 2 vols., 1867-68; Lucan, "Pharsalia;" also Byron,
"Childe Harold," canto iv., 90th stanza.
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