Judas in Naves Topical Bible
-1. Surnamed "Iscariot."
Chosen as an apostle
Mt 10:4; Mr 3:19; Lu 6:16; Ac 1:17
The treasurer of the disciples
Joh 12:6; 13:29
His greed exemplified
By his protest against the breaking of the container of
Joh 12:4-6
By his bargaining to betray Jesus for a sum of money
Mt 26:14-16; Mr 14:10,11; Lu 22:3-6; Joh 13:2
His apostasy
Joh 17:12
Betrays the Lord Jesus
Mt 26:47-50; Mr 14:43-45; Lu 22:47-49; Joh 18:2-5;
Returns the money to the rulers of the Jews
Mt 27:3-10
Hangs himself
Mt 27:5; Ac 1:18
Prophecies concerning
Mt 26:21-25; Mr 14:18-21; Lu 22:21-23; Joh 13:18-26;
17:12; Ac 1:16,20; with Ps 41:9; 109:8; Zec 11:12,13
-2. One of the physical half-brothers of Jesus
Mt 13:55; Mr 6:3
-3. The brother of James and probably the writer of the
of Jude
Lu 6:16; Ac 1:13; Jude 1:1
-4. An apostle, probably identical with LEBBAEUS, or
Joh 14:22
-5. Of Galilee, who stirred up a sedition among the Jews
after the birth of Jesus
Ac 5:37
-6. A disciple who hosted Paul
Ac 9:11
-7. Surnamed "BARSABAS."
A Christian sent to Antioch of Syria with Paul and
Ac 15:22-32
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