Jocasta in Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Jocasta, also known as Jocaste (Greek:
Iοκαστη), Epikastê[1], or Iokastê was a daughter of Menoeceus
and Queen consort of Thebes, Greece. She was the wife of
Laius. Wife and mother of Oedipus by Laius, and both mother
and grandmother of Antigone, Eteocles, Polynices and Ismene by
Oedipus. She was also sister of Creon.
The tale goes that one day her husband, King Laius of Thebes,
consulted an oracle while she was heavily pregnant with
Oedipus. The oracle told Laius that the child was destined to
kill his father and marry his own mother, i.e., Jocasta. So
King Laius decided the child must be brought up to the
mountain separating the city of Thebes from Corinth. He got a
servant to travel to the top of the mountain and leave it
there, but the servant saw nothing wrong with the baby and saw
no reason to leave it to die. A shepherd was walking by and
said that he and his wife would take the baby and raise it as
if it were their own and they did for 19 years. Alternatively,
Oedipus gets adopted by the king of Corinth and raised as a
prince of that city. Jocasta allowed Laius to go through with
the abandonment of the child in fear of the prophecy...
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