Jewels in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
ju'-el, joo'-el: An ornament of gold, silver or of precious
stones in the form of armlet, bracelet, anklet, nose-ring,
etc. Oriental dress yields itself freely to such adornment,
to which there are many allusions in Scripture. a frequent
term in Hebrew is keli ("utensil," "vessel"), coupled with
mention of "gold" or "silver" or both (Gen 24:53; Ex 3:22;
11:2; 12:35; 35:22; 1 Sam 6:8,15, etc.; the Revised Version
(British and American) in 2 Ch 32:27 translations
"vessels"). In Song 1:10, where the King James Version has
"rows (of jewels)," the Revised Version (British and
American) has "plaits (of hair)"; in Song 7:1, the word is
from a root chalah, meaning "to adorn." In 3 instances in
the King James Version "jewel" represents the Hebrew nezem
(Prov 11:22; Isa 3:21; Ezek 16:12); the American Standard
Revised Version changes Prov 11:22 to "ring" Septuagint here
= "earring"), and both the English Revised Version and the
American Standard Revised Version have "ring" in Ezek 16:12.
The familiar phrase in Mal 3:17, "in that day when I make up
my jewels," becomes in the English Revised Version, "in the
day that I do make, even a peculiar treasure" (margin "or,
wherein I do make a peculiar treasure"), and in the American
Standard Revised Version, "even mine own possession, in the
day that I make" (margin "or, do this").
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