Jesus in Naves Topical Bible

-HISTORY OF Genealogy of Mt 1:1-17; Lu 3:23-38 Facts before the birth of The angel Gabriel appears to Mary (at Nazareth) Lu 1:26-38 Mary visits Elisabeth (at Hebron?) Lu 1:39-56 Mary's magnificat (at Hebron?) Lu 1:46-55 An angel appears to Joseph concerning Mary (at Nazareth) Mt 1:18-25 Birth of (at Bethlehem) Lu 2:1-7 Angels appear to the shepherds (in the vicinity of Bethlehem) Lu 2:8-20 Magi (the wise men from the east) visit (at Bethlehem) Mt 2:1-12 Circumcision of (at Bethlehem) Lu 2:21 Is presented in the temple (in Jerusalem) Lu 2:21-38 Flight into and return from Egypt Mt 2:13-23 Discussions with the religious experts in the temple area (in Jerusalem) Lu 2:41-52 Is immersed by John in the Jordan River Mt 3:13-17; Mr 1:9-11; Lu 3:21-23 Temptation of (in the desert of Judaea) Mt 1:11; Mr 1:12,13; Lu 4:1-13 John's testimony concerning him Joh 1:1-18 Testimony of John the Baptist concerning (at Bethabara) Joh 1:19-34 Disciples adhere to Joh 1:35-51 Miracle at Cana of Galilee Joh 2:1-12 Drives the money-changers from the temple (in Jerusalem) Joh 2:13-25 Nicodemus comes to Jesus (in Jerusalem) Joh 3:1-21 His disciples immerse some of the people (at Aenon) Joh 3:22; with 4:2 Returns to Galilee Mt 4:12; Mr 1:14; Lu 4:14; Joh 4:1-3 Visits Sychar and teaches the Samaritan woman Joh 4:4-42...

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