Jesus Came to Die and will Come Again as King
Matt 11:5 The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them. Matt 16:27 For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works. Key Points: - The Messiah would have two missions, his first coming would be as a lamb and his second coming would be as a lion. - His first mission would be to serve man, performing miracles, helping the needy and ultimately to suffer and die for the sins of the world, the ultimate form of serving. - His second mission would be to exercise vengeance on the enemies of God and of Israel. He would rid the world of all rebellion, including all principalities and demonic powers. He would pour out his wrath on all sinful mankind and judge the nations. - The Hebrew Old Testament also reveals the Messiah as a King who would come to set up a kingdom. All the world would come to worship Him in Jerusalem. - Isaiah reveals that the Messiah would be filled with the Holy Spirit, the word "upon" has a sense of permanency, and speaks of a public consecration as at His baptism. - Messiah would be anointed to preach the good tidings (gospel) to the poor as the prophet, priest and king were anointed with oil, which typified the Holy Spirit. - The word "hath anointed me" is mashach and is from the same root as the word Messiah. - The word "poor" speaks of the meek and humble in heart. - He would be sent (apostle) by the Lord to heal the brokenhearted and proclaim liberty to those in captivity. Brokenhearted speaks of those who know the weight of sin and seek deliverance. - Proclaiming liberty to the captives was an interesting choice of words in light of the Babylonian captivity. It describes the deliverance from sin and death. - The Hebrew word for deliverance is the same word used to grant bond-servants freedom in the year of the Jubilee. (Lev 25:10). - Opening the prison to those who are bound speaks of the blindness that comes from the darkness of the dungeon, and the sudden opening of the eyes. - The acceptable year of the Lord speaks of the freedom of the year of Jubilee in its fulfillment. - In Luke 4:20-21 Jesus purposely closed the Book at the point where it says "and the day of vengeance" because this would not be the purpose in His first mission.Read More about Jesus Came to Die and will Come Again as King