Jeshaiah in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
je-sha'-ya, je-shi'-a ((a) yesha`yahu; (b) yesha`yah,
"deliverance of Yah"; (2) (3) below have form (a), the
others form (b)):
(1) Son of Hananiah, and grandson of Zerubbabel, according
to 1 Ch 3:21, the King James Version "Jesaiah."
But commentators follow Hebrew (and the Revised Version
margin) in the first part of the verse, and Septuagint,
Vulgate, Syriac in the second part, thus reading, "And the
son of Hananiah (was) Pelatiah, and Jeshaiah (was) his son,
and Arnan his son," etc., thus making Jeshaiah a grandson of
(2) A "son" of Jeduthun, and like him a temple musician;
head of the family of that name (1 Ch 25:3,15).
(3) A Levite, ancestor of Shelemoth, one of David's
treasurers (1 Ch 26:25).
(4) A descendant of Elam; he went with Ezra from Babylon to
Jerusalem (Ezr 8:7) = "Jesias" (Revised Version), "Josias"
(the King James Version), 1 Esdras 8:33.
(5) A descendant of Merari and a contemporary of Ezra (Ezr
8:19) = "Osaias" of 1 Esdras 8:48.
(6) A Benjamite (Neh 11:7), the King James Version
David Francis Roberts
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