Jehoiakim in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
je-hoi'-a-kim (yehoyaqim, "Yahweh will establish"; Ioakeim):
The name given him by Pharaoh-necoh, who raised him to the
throne as vassal king in place of his brother Jehoahaz, is
changed from Eliakim (`elyaqim, "God will establish"). The
change compounds the name, after the royal Judean custom, with
that of Yahweh; it may also imply that Necoh claims Yahweh's
authorization for his act, as in a similar way Sennacherib had
claimed it for his invasion of Judah (2 Ki 18:25). He has
represented the campaign with which Josiah interfered as
undertaken by Divine command ('El, 2 Ch 35:21); this episode
of it merely translates the authorization, rather arrogantly,
into the conquered nation's dialect...
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