Icarus in Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
(*)/Ikaros), a son of Daedalus. On his flight from Crete, his father attached to his body wings made of wax, and advised him not to fly too high; but Icarus, forgetting the advice of his father, flew so high that the sun melted the wings, and Icarus fell down into the sea, which was called after him, the Icarian. (Ov. Met. 8.195; Hyg. Fab. 40.) His body, which was washed on shore, was said to have been buried by Heracles. (Paus. 9.11.) The ancients explained the fable of the wings of Icarus, by understanding by it the invention of sails; and in fact some traditions stated that Daedalus and Icarus fled from Crete in a ship. Diodorus (4.77) relates that Icarus, while ascending into the air in the island of Icaria, fell down through his carelessness, and was drowned. Respecting the connection of Icarus with the early history of art, see DAEDALUS. - A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, William Smith, Ed.Read More about Icarus in Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology