Hinnom in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
(See HELL.) "The son of Hinnom" was some ancient hero who
encamped there (Stanley, Sinai and Israel, 172). S.W. and
S. of Jerusalem; from 50 to 100 yards wide at the sweep round
the S.W. corner of the so-called mount Zion. An aqueduct on
nine low arches, 290) yards from the Jaffa gate, crosses the
valley, and conveys water from "the pools of Solomon" to the
temple mount, below which is "the lower pool." The reservoir,
supposed by some to be "the upper Pool," or Gihon, is 700
yards from the Jaffa gate. (See GIHON.) The valley where it
runs between the "hill of evil counsel" and the S.W. corner of
Jerusalem is pierced with many sepulchral recesses. It opens
out into an oblong space, the site of Topher, where now are
gardens watered by Siloam, before it meets the valley of
Jehoshaphat or Kedron on the S.E. At the E. end of it is a bed
of clay worked still by potters, the probable site of "the
potters' field," Aceldama.
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