Hinnom in Easton's Bible Dictionary
a deep, narrow ravine separating Mount Zion from the so-
"Hill of Evil Counsel." It took its name from "some
hero, the son of Hinnom." It is first mentioned in
Josh. 15:8.
It had been the place where the idolatrous Jews
burned their
children alive to Moloch and Baal. A particular part
of the
valley was called Tophet, or the "fire-stove," where
children were burned. After the Exile, in order to
show their
abhorrence of the locality, the Jews made this
valley the
receptacle of the offal of the city, for the
destruction of
which a fire was, as is supposed, kept constantly
burning there.
The Jews associated with this valley these two
ideas, (1) that
of the sufferings of the victims that had there been
and (2) that of filth and corruption. It became thus
to the
popular mind a symbol of the abode of the wicked
hereafter. It
came to signify hell as the place of the wicked. "It
might be
shown by infinite examples that the Jews expressed
hell, or the
place of the damned, by this word. The word Gehenna
[the Greek
contraction of Hinnom] was never used in the time of
Christ in
any other sense than to denote the place of future
About this fact there can be no question. In this
sense the word
is used eleven times in our Lord's discourses (Matt.
23:33; Luke
12:5; Matt. 5:22, etc.).
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