Hell in Naves Topical Bible

(In the A. V. this word occurs in O. T. Scriptures, cited below, and is the translation of the Hebrew word "sheol," which signifies the unseen state) -In the R. V. of O. T. it appears only in Isa 5:14; 14:9,15; 28:15,18; 57:9; Eze 31:16,17; 32:21,27; Am 9:2; Jon 2:2; Hab 2:5 -In the R. V., "sheol" is translated "lowest pit" De 32:22; Ps 86:13 -And it is translated "pit" in Ps 55:15 -In the R. V. the word "Sheol" itself occurs in the following scriptures 2Sa 22:6; Job 11:8; 26:6; Ps 9:17; 16:10; 18:5; 116:3; 139:8; Pr 5:5; 7:27; 9:18; 15:11,24; 23:14; 27:20 -"Sheol" is translated "grave" in A. V. in Ge 37:35; 42:38; 44:29,31; 1Sa 2:6; 1Ki 2:6; 9; Job 7:9; 14:13; 17:13; 21:13; 24:19; Ps 6:5; 30:3; 31:17; 49:14,15; 88:3; 89:48; 141:7; Pr 1:12; 30:16; Ec 9:10; So 8:6; Ho 13:14 -In the R. V. the Greek word "gehenna" is translated "hell" in the following scriptures Mt 5:22,29,30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15,33; Mr 9:43,45,47; Lu 12:5; Jas 3:6 -The R. V. has introduced "Hades," the word found in the Greek text, which signifies the unseen world, in the following scriptures Mt 11:23; 16:18; Lu 10:15; 16:23; Ac 2:27,31; Re 1:18; 6:8; 20:13,14 -THE FUTURE HOME OF THE WICKED Ps 9:17; Pr 5:5; 9:13,15-18; 15:24; 23:13,14; Isa 30:33; 33:14; Mt 3:12; 5:29,30; 7:13,14; 8:11,12; 10:28; 13:30,38-42,49,50; 16:18; 18:8,9,34,35; 22:13; 25:28-30,41,46; Mr 9:43-48; Lu 3:17; 16:23-26,28; Ac 1:25; 2Th 1:9; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6-23; Re 2:11; 9:1,2; 11:7; 14:10,11; 19:20; 20:10,15; 21:8 See WICKED, PUNISHMENT OF

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