Hazarmaveth in Wikipedia
is the third of thirteen sons of Joktan, who was a son of
Eber, son of Shem in the table of the Sons of Noah in Genesis
chapter 10 and 1 Chronicles chapter 1 in the Bible. This
"Table of Nations" lists purported founders of neighboring
ethnic groups or "nations".
Genesis 10:26 "...And Joktan hath begotten Almodad, and
Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah..."
Hazarmaveth, also transcribed Hazarmaueth, means "dwelling of
death" (Hitchcock's Bible Dictionary) and is composed of two
parts in Hebrew: hazar/ḥaṣar ("dwelling" or "court") and
maveth/mawet ("death"). (There are alternative systems for
transliterating Hebrew into Latin letters.)
Scholars of Semitic languages have related the name to the
ancient region of Hadramaut in the modern Southern Arabian
nation of Yemen, and indeed, one of the other sons of Joktan
is Sheba, the name of an ancient Southern Arabian kingdom.
However, the etymology of Hadramaut may be from the Graeco-
Roman period.
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