Harp in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
kinnor With ten strings, played on with a plectrum (quill),
according to Josephus; but also with the hand by David (1
Samuel 16:23; 1 Samuel 18:10; 1 Samuel 19:9). Jubal invented
it, the simplest kind of stringed instrument, and the"
organ" (ugab), rather the "pipe," the simplest kind of wind
instrument; his brother Jabal was" father of such as dwell
in tents and have cattle." The brotherhood accords with the
fact that the leisure of a nomad life was well suited to the
production and appreciation of music (Genesis 4:20-21). The
harp was the earliest of all musical instruments, and the
national instrument of the Hebrew.
They used it, not as the Greeks, for expressing
sorrow, but on occasions of joy and praise (Genesis 31:27; 2
Chronicles 20:28; Psalm 33:2); therefore, it was hung on the
willows in the Babylonian captivity (Psalm 137:2; Job
30:31). The words "My bowels shall sound like an harp"
(Isaiah 16:11) do not allude to the sound as lugubrious, but
to the strings vibrating when struck. There was a smaller
harp played with the hand, as by the walking prophets (1
Samuel 10:5), besides the larger, with more strings, played
with the plectrum. Its music, as that of other instruments,
was raised to its highest perfection under David (Amos 6:5).
It was an important adjunct to the "schools of the
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