Gratian in Roman Biography
Gratian, gra'she-an, [Lat. Gratia'nus ; Fr. Gratikn,
gRi'sej^.N',) a Roman emperor, who in 375 A.D. succeeded
his father, Valentinian I., and became joint ruler
of the Western Empire with his brother, Valentinian II.
His uncle, Valens, who ruled the Eastern Empire, having
fallen in battle in 378, Gratian appointed Theodosius in
his place. In 383 a revolt broke out in Britain, and
a certain Maximus proclaimed himself emperor and
invaded Gaul. Gratian advanced to meet him, but,
being forsaken by the greater part of his army, was
seized and put to death at Lyons. He was distinguished
for his justice and clemency, and his zeal in promoting
See Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," books
x"xvii., xxviii.,xxix.,and xxx. ; Ammianus Marcri.linus;
Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica ;" Tiu.kmont,
" Histoire des Empereurs."
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