Goat in Naves Topical Bible
-Designated as one of the ceremonially clean animals to be
De 14:4; with Le 11:1-8
-Used for food
Ge 27:9; 1Sa 16:20
-For the paschal feast
Ex 12:5; 2Ch 35:7
-As a sacrifice by Abraham
Ge 15:9
-By Gideon
Jud 6:19
Jud 13:19
-Milk of, used for food
Pr 27:27
-Hair of, used for clothing
Nu 31:20
1Sa 19:13
-Curtains of the tabernacle
Ex 26:7; 35:23; 36:14
-Used for tents
-Regulations of Mosaic law required that a baby goat should
be killed for food before it was eight days old
Le 22:27
-Nor seethed in its mother's milk
Ex 23:19
De 32:14; So 4:1; 6:5; 1Sa 25:2; 2Ch 17:11
-Wild, in Palestine
1Sa 24:2; Ps 104:18
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