Gethsemane in Easton's Bible Dictionary
oil-press, the name of an olive-yard at the foot of the
Mount of
Olives, to which Jesus was wont to retire (Luke
22:39) with his
disciples, and which is specially memorable as being
the scene
of his agony (Mark 14:32; John 18:1; Luke 22:44).
The plot of
ground pointed out as Gethsemane is now surrounded
by a wall,
and is laid out as a modern European flower-garden.
It contains
eight venerable olive-trees, the age of which
cannot, however,
be determined. The exact site of Gethsemane is still
question. Dr. Thomson (The Land and the Book) says:
"When I
first came to Jerusalem, and for many years
afterward, this plot
of ground was open to all whenever they chose to
come and
meditate beneath its very old olivetrees. The
Latins, however,
have within the last few years succeeded in gaining
possession, and have built a high wall around
it...The Greeks
have invented another site a little to the north of
it...My own
impression is that both are wrong. The position is
too near the
city, and so close to what must have always been the
thoroughfare eastward, that our Lord would scarcely
selected it for retirement on that dangerous and
night...I am inclined to place the garden in the
secluded vale
several hundred yards to the north-east of the
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