Genesis in Smiths Bible Dictionary
(origin), the first book of the law or Pentateuch, so
called from its title ia the Septuagint, that is, Creation.
Its author was Moses. The date of writing was probably
during the forty-years wanderings in the wilderness, B.C.
1491-1451. Time. --The book of Genesis covered 2369 years,--
from the creation of Adam, A.M 1, to the death of Joseph,
A.M. 2369, or B.C. 1635. Character and purpose. --The book
of Genesis (with the first chapters of Exodus) describes the
steps which led to the establishment of the theocracy. It is
a part of the writer's plan to tell us what the divine
preparation of the world was in order to show, first, the
significance of the call of Abraham, and next, the true
nature of the Jewish theocracy. He begins with the creation
of the world, because the God who created the world and the
God who revealed himself to the fathers is the same God. The
book of Genesis has thus a character at once special and
universal. Construction. --It is clear that Moses must have
derived his knowledge of the events which he records in
Genesis either from immediate divine revelation or from oral
tradition or written documents. The nature of many of the
facts related, and the minuteness of the narration, render
it extremely improbable that immediate revelation was the
source from whence they were drawn. That his knowledge
should have been derived from oral tradition appears morally
impossible when we consider the great number of names, ages,
dates and minute events which are recorded. The conclusion
then, seems fair that he must have obtained his information
from written documents coeval, or nearly so, with the events
which they recorded, and composed by persons intimately
acquainted with the subjects to which they relate. He may
have collected these, with additions from authentic
tradition or existing monuments under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, into a single book. Certain it is that several
of the first chapters of Genesis have the air of being made
up of selections from very ancient documents, written by
different authors at different periods. The variety which is
observable in the names and titles of the Supreme Being is
appealed to among the most striking proofs of this fact.
This is obvious in the English translation, but still more
so in the Hebrew original. In Gen 1 to 2:3, which is really
one piece of composition, as the title, v. 4, "These are the
generations," shows, the name of the Most High is uniformly
Elohim, God. In ch. Ge 2:4 to ch. 3, which may be considered
the second document, the title is uniformly Yehovah Elohim,
Lord God; and in the third, including ch. 4, it is Yehovah,
Lord, only; while in ch. 5 it is Elohim, God only, except in
v. 29, where a quotation is made, and Yehovah used. It is
hardly conceivable that all this should be the result of
mere accident. The changes of the name correspond exactly to
the changes in the narratives and the titles of the several
pieces." Now, do all these accurate quotations," says
Professor Stowe, "impair the credit of the Mosaic books, or
increase it? Is Marshall's Life of Washington to be regarded
as unworthy of credit because it contains copious extracts
from Washington's correspondence and literal quotations from
important public documents? Is not its value greatly
enhanced by this circumstance? The objection is altogether
futile. In the common editions of the Bible the Pentateuch
occupies about one hundred and fifty pages, of which perhaps
ten may be taken up with quotations. This surely is no very
large proportion for an historical work extending through so
long a period."--Bush. On the supposition that writing was
known to Adam, Gen. 1-4, containing the first two of these
documents, formed the Bible of Adam's descendants, or the
antediluvians. Gen 1 to 11:9, being the sum of these two and
the following three, constitutes the Bible of the
descendants of Noah. The whole of Genesis may be called the
Bible of the posterity of Jacob; and the five Books of the
Law were the first Bible of Israel as a nation.--Canon Cook.
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