Fig Tree in Smiths Bible Dictionary
The fig tree (Ficus carica) is very common in Israel. De 8:8
Mount Olivet was famous for its fig trees in ancient times,
and they are still found there. To "sit under one's own vine
and one's own fig tree" became a proverbial expression among
the Jews to denote peace and prosperity. 1Ki 4:25; Mic 4:4;
Zec 3:10 The fig is a pear-shaped fruit, and is much used by
the Orientals for food. The young figs are especially prized
for their sweetness and flavor. The fruit always appears
before the leaves; so that when Christ saw leaves on the fig
tree by the wayside, Mr 11:13 he had a right to expect fruit.
The usual summer crop of fruits is not gathered till May or
June; but in the sunny ravines of Olivet fig trees could have
ripe fruit some weeks earlier (Dr. Thomson), and it was not
strange so early as Easter Christ might find the young eatable
figs, although it was not the usual season for gathering the
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