Falcon in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
fo'-k'-n, fol'-k'-n, fal'-kun: The Hebrews did not know the
word. Their bird corresponding to our falcon, in all
probability, was one of the smaller kestrels covered by the
word nets, which seemed to cover all lesser birds of prey
that we include in the hawk family. That some of our many
divisions of species were known to them is indicated by the
phrase "after its kind." The word occurs in the Revised
Version (British and American) in Job 28:7, to translation
'ayyah, Greek gups (compare Lev 11:14; Dt 14:13):
"That path no bird of prey knoweth,
Neither hath the falcon's eye seen it."
This substitutes "falcon" for "vulture" in the King James
Version. The change weakens the force of the lines. All
ornithologists know that eagles, vultures and the large
hawks have such range of vision that they at once descend
from heights at which we cannot see them to take prey on
earth or food placed to tempt them. The falcons and sparrow
hawks are small members of the family, some of which feed on
little birds, some on insects. They are not celebrated for
greater range of vision than other birds of the same
location and feeding habits. The strength of these lines lay
in the fact that if the path to the mine were so well
concealed that the piercing eye of the vulture failed to
find it, then it was perfectly hidden indeed.
Gene Stratton-Porter
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