Evolution: fact or fantacy?
Evolution: Theory Or Fact?
Scientists comments on the scientific basis of Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Darwin's theory of evolution is exactly that: a theory, with little in the way of hard scientific evidence to back it up. Yet it has been accepted almost as an article of faith in the modern world. However, as the following shows there are many within the scientific community who have voiced serious doubts over what still remains no more than a theory. Don't expect the mainstream media to make too much of the following though; the powers that be would rather we accept Darwin's theory as a proven fact rather than question it. Because that might lead us to question other accepted notions and dogmas, which in turn might even prompt us to start thinking for ourselves. And that is something the powers that be do not want to happen; their power rests on our acquiescence, which in turn depends on our ignorance, cultivated and conditioned by the mainstream media. Ed.
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