Eutychus in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
u'-ti-kus (Eutuchos, "fortunate"): The story of Eutychus
occurs in the "we" section of Acts, and is therefore related
by an eyewitness of the incidents (Acts 20:7-12). On the
first day of the week the Christians of Troas had met for an
evening service in an upper chamber, and were joined by Paul
and his company. As he was to leave in the morning, Paul
"prolonged his speech until midnight." A youth named
Eutychus, who was sitting at the open window, became borne
down with sleep owing to the lateness of the hour, and
ultimately fell through the opening from the third story. He
"was taken up dead." This direct statement is evaded by De
Wette and Olshausen, who translate "for dead." Meyer says
this expresses the judgment of those who took him up.
However, Luke, the physician, is giving his verdict, and he
plainly believes that a miracle was wrought by Paul in
restoring a corpse to life. The intention of Luke in
relating this incident is to relate a miracle. Paul went
down and embraced the youth while comforting the lamenting
crowd, "Make ye no ado; for his life is in him." The
interrupted meeting was resumed, the bread was broken, and
the conversation continued till break of day. "And they
brought the lad alive, and were not a little comforted."
S. F. Hunter
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