Enyo in Wikipedia

Enyo (Greek: Ἐνυώ, English translation: "warlike" in Greek mythology), was an ancient goddess of war, acting as a counterpart and companion to the war god Ares. She is also identified as his sister, and daughter of Zeus and Hera[1], in a role closely resembling that of Eris; with Homer (in particular) representing the two as the same goddess. She is also accredited as the mother of Enyalius, a minor war god, by Ares[2]. However, the name Enyalius can also be used as a title for Ares himself. As goddess of war, Enyo is responsible for orchestrating the destruction of cities, often accompanying Ares into battle[3], and depicted "as supreme in war" [4]. During the fall of Troy, Enyo inflicted horror and bloodshed in the war, along with Eris, and Phobos ("Fear") and Deimos ("Dread"), the two sons of Ares[5]. She was also connected to the Roman goddess of war, Bellona, and the Anatolian goddess Ma. At Thebes and Orchomenos, a festival called Homolôïa was celebrated in honour of Zeus, Demeter, Athena and Enyo was said to have received the surname of Homoloïus from Homoloïs, a priestess of Enyo.[6] A statue of Enyo, made by the sons of Praxiteles, stood in the temple of Ares at Athens.[7] Among the Graeae in Hesiod[8] there is one called Enyo. - Wikipedia

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