Eliashib in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

1. 1 Chronicles 24:12. 2. 1 Chronicles 3:24. 3. High priest when Nehemiah rebuilt the walls (Nehemiah 3:1-20-21). Energetic in building the sheepgate, sanctifying and setting up its doors; but relationship to Tobiah the Ammonite outweighed regard for the sanctity of the temple. Nehemiah was angry with him for preparing a room therein for his pagan connection (Nehemiah 13:4-7), in opposition to God's prohibition (Deuteronomy 23:3-4). His grandson too had married the pagan Horonite Sanballat's daughter (Nehemiah 13:28). Ungodly alliances are a snare to religious professors (2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Matthew 10:37). "Therefore (says Nehemiah) I chased him from me. Remember them, O my God, because they have defiled the priesthood and the covenant of the priesthood." His genealogy is given (Nehemiah 12:10; Nehemiah 12:22), see Ezra 10:6. 4. Ezra 10:24. 5. Ezra 10:27.

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