Eldad in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
ELDAD ("loved of God") and Medad. Two of the 70 elders to
whom the Spirit was imparted, in order to share. Moses'
burden of responsibility. Though "they were of them that
were written" in Moses' list (implying that the 70 were
permanently appointed) they did not go with the rest to the
tabernacle, but prophesied in the camp (Numbers 11:26).
Forster however trans. "they were among the inscriptions,"
i.e. occupied in directing the records of the exode at
Sarbut el Khadem at the entrance to Wady Maghara and
Mokatteb. The context favors KJV When "the (so Hebrew for a)
young man" reported it at the tabernacle, and Joshua begged
Moses to forbid them, he refused saying, "enviest thou for
my sake? Would God that all the Lord's people were
prophets," etc. So, Jesus' disciples were jealous for His
honor, but were reproved by Moses' Antitype (Mark 9:38-39),
For "and did not cease," Numbers 11:25, trans. wilo' yasphu
"and did not add," as Septuagint, i.e. they did not continue
Not that the Spirit departed from them, but having
given this palpable sample to the nation of their Spirit-
attested mission, they for the time ceased to give further
spiritual demonstrations, their office being executive
administration not prophecy. Not foretelling the future is
meant, but ecstatic impulse by the Spirit, giving them
wisdom and utterance; as the disciples on Pentecost received
the gift of tongues and of prophecy, i.e. the power of
inspired speaking. They probably declared God's will in
extempore hymns of praise; so Saul, 1 Samuel 10:11. The
Jews' tradition was that all prophetic inspiration emanated
from Moses originally. In the sense only that Moses'
Pentateuch is the basis of all subsequent prophecy, the
psalms and the prophets, it is true. It was "of the Spirit
that was upon Moses" that "God gave unto the 70 elders." The
diffusion of the spirit of prophecy, no longer limited to
Moses, and its separation from the tabernacle service, led
to the establishment of the "schools of the prophets."
Moses, like the true "servant" of God (Hebrew 3),
not seeking his own but God's glory, and the extension of
His kingdom, rejoiced at what provoked the jealousy of his
followers. The 70 elders appointed by Jethro's advice at
Sinai (Exodus 18) to help Moses in judging are distinct from
the 70 here endowed with the Spirit to help hint as his
executive court, to govern the rebellious people, and
establish his authority, shaken by the people's murmurings
against Jehovah and himself because of the want of flesh.
The number 70 symbolically represented the elect nation, the
sacred number for perfection, 7, being raised to tens, the
world number. Accordingly, it was our Lord's number for the
disciples sent two by two before His face (Luke 10:1).
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