Edom in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
Idumea. ("red".) Esau's surname, the firstborn of Isaac;
Jacob's twin brother, who sold his birthright for the red
pottage (of yellow brown lentils, dashim; the cooking of which
is still seen in Egyptian representations), from whence came
his surname (Genesis 25:29-34). The name was appropriate to
Edom's possession, "mount Seir," the mountainous territory
having a reddish hue. Seir means rugged, applicable alike to
Seir the hirsute (like Esau) progenitor of the Horites, Edom's
predecessors, and to their rugged forest covered territory
(Genesis 14:6; Genesis 32:3; Genesis 36:1-8; Genesis 36:20-
22). It extended from the Dead Sea S. to the Elanitic gulf of
the Red Sea. Esau, with his 400 armed men (Genesis 32:6),
commenced driving out the Horites, and permanently settled in
mount Seir after his father's death, yielding Canaan to Jacob,
in accordance with his father's blessing...
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