Ebal in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
1. The hill upon which the curses of the law were to be read;
as on the opposite hill GERIZIM the blessings (Deuteronomy
11:29-30; Deuteronomy 27:12-13; Joshua 8:30-35). The valley
wherein Shethem or Sichem (now Nablous) lay runs between the
two hills. Ebal the mount of the curse, is steeper and more
barren; Gerizim, the mount of the blessing, more sloping, and
having a ravine opposite the W. of Shechem full of fountains
and trees. Gerizim, as the southernmost, was chosen for the
blessing, light and life being associated with the S. by the
Hebrew. The central position of these mountains adapted them
for the scene of the reading. The associations of the locality
were another recommendation. Here first in Canaan Abraham
rested, and built an altar to Jehovah who appeared unto him
(Genesis 12:6-7). Here too Jacob dwelt upon returning from
Mesopotamia, and bought a field from the children of Hamer,
father of Shethem, and built the altar El-elohe-Israel
(Genesis 33:19-20)...
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