Dove in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
duv (tor, yonah; peristera; Latin Zenaedura carolinensis): A
bird of the family Columbidae. Doves and pigeons are so
closely related as to be spoken and written of as
synonymous, yet there is a distinction recognized from the
beginning of time. It was especially marked in Israel,
because doves migrated, but pigeons remained in their chosen
haunts all the year. Yet doves were the wild birds and were
only confined singly or in pairs as caged pets, or in order
to be available for sacrifice. Pigeons, without question,
were the first domesticated birds, the record of their
conquest by man extending if anything further back than
ducks, geese and swans. These two were the best known and
the most loved of all the myriads of birds of Israel. Doves
were given preference because they remained wild and were
more elusive. The thing that escapes us is usually a little
more attractive than the thing we have. Their loving natures
had been noted, their sleek beautiful plumage, their plump
bodies. They were the most precious of anything offered for
sacrifice. Their use is always specified in preference to
pigeons if only one bird was used; if both, the dove is
frequently mentioned first. Because of their docility when
caged, their use in sacrifice, and the religious
superstition concerning them, they were allowed to nest
unmolested and, according to species, flocked all over
Israel. The turtle-dove nested in gardens and vineyards, and
was almost as tame as the pigeons. The palm turtle-dove took
its name from its love of homing in palm trees, and sought
these afield, and in cities, even building near the temple
in Jerusalem. It also selected thorn and other trees. It has
a small body, about ten inches in length, covered with
bright chestnut-colored feathers, the neck dappled with
dark, lustrous feathers. The rock dove swarmed over,
through, and among the cliffs of mountains and the fissures
of caves and ravines. The collared turtle-dove was the
largest of the species. It remained permanently and homed in
the forests of Tabor and Gilead, around the Dead Sea, and
along the Jordan valley. This bird was darker than the
others and took its name from a clearly outlined collar of
dark feathers encircling the neck, and was especially sought
for caged pets on account of its size and beauty...
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