Dove in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
Emblem of peace (Genesis 8:7-12). After God's wrath for sin
had been executed upon the earth, the dove was thrice sent
forth; at the first sending she found no rest for the sole
of her foot until she put herself in Noah's (or "comforter")
hand, and was drawn into the ark; on the second trip, she
brought back the olive leaf, the earnest of the restored
earth; on the third trip, she was able to roam at large, no
longer needing the ark's shelter. As the raven messenger
"going forth to and fro," alighting on but never entering
into the ark, symbolizes the unbelieving that have "no
peace," "like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest" (Isaiah
57:20-21): so the dove, in its threefold embassy, represents
respectively the first return of the soul to its rest, the
loving hand of Jesus; its subsequent reception of the
dovelike spirit, the earnest of the final inheritance
(Ephesians 1:13-14); and its actual entrance finally on the
new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21), where there will
be no need of the arklike church to separate between the
world and God's people, between the saved and unsaved, where
all shall be safe and blessed forever and the church shall
be co-extensive with the world...
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