Domitian in Roman Biography

Domitian, do-mish'e-an, [Lat. Domitia'nus; Fr. Domitien, do'me'se'aN7^ or, more fully, Ti'tua Fla'- vius Domitia'nus, a Roman emperor, the second son of Vespasian, born in 51 A.D., succeeded his brother Titus in 81. Though his character was depraved and cruel, he at first affected a zeal for public virtue and justice. He was defeated by the Dacians, and made a disgraceful treaty, by which he bound himself to pay them tribute. His armies were generally unsuccessful, except in Britain, which was conquered by Agricola. He married Domitia Longina, to whom he gave the title of Augusta. Many innocent persons fell victims to his suspicions, his cruelty, or his rapacity. He banished the philosophers and literati, among whom was Epictetus. One of his favourite pastimes was hunting and killing flies. A conspiracy was formed among his guards and courtiers, and he was killed in his palace in 96 A.D., when the senate chose Nerva as his successor. See Tacitus, " Historia ;" SuETONlus,"Domitianus ;" Niebuhr, " Rbmische Geschichte," vol. ii. ; J. Arrhenius, " Vita Imperatoris Domitiani," 1696.

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