Dogs in Naves Topical Bible

Price of, not to be brought into the sanctuary De 23:18 -Shepherd dogs Job 30:1 -Habits of Licking blood 1Ki 21:19; 22:38 Licking sores Lu 16:21 Returns to eat his own vomit Pr 26:11; 2Pe 2:22 Lapping of Jud 7:5 -Dumb and sleeping Isa 56:10,11 -Greyhound Pr 30:31 -Epithet of contempt 1Sa 17:43; 24:14; 2Sa 3:8; 9:8; 16:9; 2Ki 8:13; Isa 56:10,11; Mt 15:26 -FIGURATIVE Php 3:2; Re 22:15

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