Damascĭus in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
(Δαμάσκιος). A philosopher, a native of Damascus. He commenced his studies under Ammonius at Alexandria, and completed them at Athens under Marinus, Isidorus, and Zenodotus. According to some, he was the successor of Isidorus. It is certain, however, that he was the last professor of Neo-Platonism at Athens. He appears to have been a man of excellent judgment, and to have had a strong attachment for the sciences, particularly mathematics. He wrote a work entitled Ἀπορίαι καὶ Λύσεις περὶ τῶν Πρώτων Ἀρχῶν, "Doubts and Solutions concerning the Origin of Things." Of this only two fragments remain-one preserved by Photius, which forms a biographical sketch of Isidorus of Gaza; the other treating Περὶ Γεννητοῦ, "Of what has been procreated." The remains of this work were edited, with a valuable preface, by Kopp J. (Frankfort, 1828). A Venetian MS. contains an unedited work of his, entitled Ἀπορίαι καὶ Λύσεις εἰς τὸν Πλάτωνος Παρμενίδην, "Doubts and Solutions relative to the Parmenides of Plato."Read More about Damascĭus in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities