Criton (disambiguation) in Wikipedia

Criton or Crito (Greek:Κρίτων) may refer to * Criton dialogue of Plato * Crito of Alopece, follower of Socrates * Criton, comic poet of the new comedy * Criton the Macedonian, Olympic winner in 328 BC * Criton of Pieria, historian * Criton of Aegae, Pythagorean philosopher * Criton and Nicolaus of Athens, sculptors of the 1st century AD * Criton of Heraclea in Caria, (Titus Statilius Crito) (c.100 AD), Greek chief physician and procurator of Trajan in the campaign in Dacia, who wrote the medical treatise Cosmetics and a work on history, Getica. * Pascale Criton, French musicologist

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