Constantius I Chlorus in Roman Biography
Con-stan'tl-us (kon-stan'shg-iis) X, commonly called
Constantius -chlo'rus, [Fr. Constance Chloke,
koN'stoNs' kloR.j (Flavius Valerius,) a Roman emperor,
born about 250 A.D., was the son of Eutropius,
and father of Constantine the Great. In 292, Diocletian
and Maximian, in order to divide the labours of the
administration, chose Galerius and Constantius, each of
whom received the title of Caesar. Gaul, Spain, and
Britain were allotted to the latter, who was required to
repudiate Helena and marry Theodora, the daughter
of Maximian. He became emperor in 305, on the abdication
of Diocletian, and died at York in 306, leaving
the reputation of a just and humane ruler. His son
Constantine was his successor.
See Eutropius; Aurelius Victor, "Csesares."
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