Constans in Wikipedia
Flavius Julius Constans (320–350), commonly known as Constans, was Roman Emperor from 337 to 350. Constans was the
third and youngest son of Constantine the Great and Fausta, his father's second wife.
On 25 December 333 Constantine elevated Constans to Caesar.
In 337 he succeeded his father, jointly with his older brothers Constantine II and Constantius II, receiving
Italy, Pannonia and Africa as his portion. Constantine II, who ruled over Gaul, Spain and Britain, attempted to
take advantage of his youth and inexperience by invading Italy in 340, but Constans defeated Constantine at
Aquileia, where the older brother died. The invasion was the effect of brotherly tensions between the two
emperors. Constantine II was, at first, Constans's guardian. As Constans grew older, Constantine II never
relinquished that position.
In 341-2, Constans led a successful campaign against the Franks and in the early months of 343 visited Britain.
The source for this visit, Julius Firmicus Maternus, does not give a reason for this but the quick movement and
the danger involved in crossing the channel in the dangerous winter months, suggests it was in response to a
military emergency of some kind, possibly to repel the Picts and Scots.
Regarding religion, Constans was tolerant of Judaism but promulgated an edict banning pagan sacrifices in 341. He
suppressed Donatism in Africa and supported Nicene orthodoxy against Arianism, which was championed by his brother
Constantius. Constans called the Council of Sardica, which unsuccessfully tried to settle the conflict.
In 350, the general Magnentius declared himself emperor with the support of the troops on the Rhine frontier - and
later the western provinces of the empire. Constans lacked any support beyond his immediate household, and was
forced to flee for his life. Magnentius' supporters cornered him in a fortification in Helena, southwestern Gaul,
where he was killed by Magnentius' assassins.
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