Cistern in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
Bor, a dug pit for receiving water conducted from a spring
or the rainfall. (See CONDUIT.) The dryness between May and
September in Israel makes reservoirs necessary; of which the
larger are called "pools," the smaller "cisterns." The rocky
soil facilitates their construction. The top, with stonework
and a round opening, has often a wheel for the bucket; an
image of the aorta or great artery circulating the blood
from the ventricle of the heart, or the wheel expresses life
in its rapid motion (James 3:6; Ecclesiastes 12:6). The rain
is conducted to them from the roofs of the houses, most of
which are furnished with them; from whence is derived the
metaphor, Proverbs 5:15, "drink waters out of thine own
cistern," i.e. draw thy enjoyments only from the sources
that are legitimately thine.
Hezekiah stopped the water supply outside Jerusalem
at the invasion of Sennacherib, while within there was
abundant water (2 Chronicles 32:3-4). So it has been in all
the great sieges of Jerusalem, scarcity of water outside,
abundance within. Empty cisterns were used as prisons. So
Joseph was cast into a "pit" (Genesis 37:22); Jeremiah into
one miry at the bottom, and so deep that he was let down by
cords (Jeremiah 38:6), said to be near "Herod's gate."
Cisterns yield only a limited supply of water, not an
everflowing spring; representing creature comforts soon
exhausted, and therefore never worth forsaking the never
failing, ever fresh supplies of God. for (Jeremiah 2:13).
The stonework of tanks often becomes broken, and the water
leaks into the earth; and, at best, the water is not fresh
long. Compare Isaiah 55:1-2; Luke 12:33.
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