Chedorlaomer in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

ked-or-la-o'-mer, ked-or-la'-omer (kedhorla`omer; Chodollogomor): 1. was He the Elamite King Kudur-lahgumal? 2. Kudur-lahgumal and the Babylonians 3. The Son of Eri-Ekua 4. Durmah-ilani, Tudhul(a) and Kudur-lahmal 5. The Fate of Sinful Rulers 6. The Poetical Legend 7. Kudur-lahgumal's Misdeeds 8. The Importance of the Series The name of the Elamite overlord with whom Amraphel, Arioch and Tidal marched against Sodom and Gomorrah, and the other cities of the plain (Gen 14:1 ff). The Greek (Septuagint) form of the name is Chodollogomor, implying a different vocalization, the assimilation of "R "with "L", and the pronunciation of "`o" as "gho" (Codorlaghomer). This suggests that the Elamite form, in cuneiform, would be Kudur-lagamar, the second element being the name of a god, and the whole therefore meaning "servant of La`omer" (Lagamar), or the like. A Babylonian deity worshippeal at Dilmu, Lagamal, may be the same as the Elamite Lagamar. This name is not found in the cuneiform inscriptions, unless it be, as is possible, the fancifully-written Kudur-lah(gu)mal (or Kodorlahgomal) of three late Babylonian legends, one of which is in poetical form. Besides this Elamite ruler, two of these tablets mention also a certain Eri-Aku or Eri-Akua, son of Durmah-ilani, and one of them refers to Tudhul(a) or Tidal...

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