Chebar in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
ke'-bar (kebhar, "joining" (Young), "length" (Strong);
Chobar): The river by the side of which his first vision was
vouchsafed to Ezekiel (1:1). It is described as in "the land
of the Chaldeans," and is not, therefore, to be sought in
northern Mesopotamia. This rules out the Habor, the modern
Chabour, with which it is often identified. The two names are
radically distinct: chabhor could not be derived from kebhar.
One of the great Babylonian canals is doubtless intended.
Hilprecht found mention made of (naru) kabaru, one of these
canals large enough to be navigable, to the East of Nippur,
"in the land of the Chaldeans." This "great canal" he
identifies with the rood. shaTT en-Nil, in which probably we
should recognize the ancient Chebar.
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