Caracalla in Roman Biography
Car-a-cal'la, (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Bassianus,)
a Roman emperor, born at Lyons in 188 a. d.
He was the son of the emperor Septimius Severus, who,
dying in 212, left the empire to Caracalla and his brother
Geta. The latter was assassinated by order of Caracalla,
who sought to confirm his power by sacrificing many
friends of Geta. Papinian, the jurist, was one of the victims,
who, it is said, amounted to thousands. His reign
was a series of cruelties, extortions, and follies. He chose
for his chief ministers persons of the vilest character. He
led his army into Parthia about 216 A.D., ravaged a part
of the country, and retired before he had encountered
the Parthian army. A conspiracy having been formed
by Macrinus, Caracalla was killed by one of his soldiers
near Edessa, in Asia, in 217 a.d., and Macrinus reigned
in his stead.
See Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire;" Mkis
Dissertatio de Caracalla," 1702; Spartian, "Vita Caracallx."
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