Canaan in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
From Ham came four main races; Cush (Ethiopia), Mizraim
(Egypt), Phut (Nubia), and Canaan (originally before Abraham
extending from Hamath in the N. to Gaza in the S.), comprising
six chief tribes, the Hittites, Hivites, Amorites, Jebusites,
Perizzites, and Girgashites; to which the Canaanites (in the
narrow sense) being added make up the mystic number seven. Ten
are specified in Genesis 15:19-21, including some on E. of
Jordan and S. of Israel. The four Hamitic races occupied a
continuous tract comprising the Nile valley, Israel, S.
Arabia, Babylonia, and Kissia. The Phoenicians were Semitic
(from Shem), but the Canaanites preceded them in Israel and
Lower Syria. Sidon, Area, Arvad, and Zemara or Simra (Genesis
15:19-21) originally were Canaanite; afterward they fell under
the Phoenicians, who were immigrants into Syria from the
shores of the Persian gulf, peaceable traffickers, skillful in
navigation and the arts, and unwar-like except by sea...
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