Camillus in Roman Biography
Camillus, [Fr. Camille, kfrnei' or kS'me'ye,] (Marcus
Furius,) acelebrated Roman dictator, whose history has been embellished with many fabulous exploits. After
serving as military tribune, he was five times chosen dictator,
and gained victories over the Falisci, Capenates,
Volscians, and Fidenates. In his first dictatorship, which
began in 396, he took Veii, after a long siege. About
390 n.c. he was condemned for peculation, and was exiled
to Ardea. The Gauls under Brennus having pillaged
Rome, Camillus was recalled, and, according to the
popular account, gained two decisive victories over the
invaders. He was chosen dictator, for the fifth time, in
367. He is said to have dissuaded the citizens from
removing en masse from Rome to Veii after the former
city had been ruined by the Gauls. Died in 364 B.C.
Plutarch has written a life of Camillus.
See Livy,
History of Rome ;" Niebuhr,
History of Rome,'' vol.
i. ; Obkecht,
Dissertatio, M. F. Camillum repnesentans," 1693.
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