Callistratus in Wikipedia
Callistratus may refer to:
* Callistratus of Aphidnae, Athenian politician of the 4th century BC
* Callistratus (grammarian), Alexandrian writer of the 2nd century BC
* Callistratus (jurist), Roman legal writer active in the 3rd century AD
* Callistratus (sophist), Greek writer of the 3rd or 4th century AD
* Callistratus, an Athenian poet of the 6th century BC, only known as the author of a hymn in honor of Harmodius and Aristogeiton
* Callistratus, the producer of Aristophanes' comedies Banqueters, Babylonians and Acharnians (and his collaborator in the production of Birds, Lysistrata, and Frogs)
* Domitius Callistratus, a historian of perhaps the 1st century BC, author of local histories of Heraclea Pontica and Samothrace
* Callistratus, a saint of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches who is said to have inspired forty-nine soldiers to Christian martyrdom in Carthage in the 4th century AD
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