Cain And Abel
The Bible mentions a lot between the time of Adam and the
Flood. For example there was the first murder. Adam and
Eve had many sons and daughters but there are only two
mentioned because they are important to the history of
redemption. Eve thought that her firstborn, Cain, was the
one who would destroy Satan and deliver them from the
curse of sin and death. But Cain jealously killed his
brother Abel. Cain was upset at God because He would not
accept his sacrifice (the best of his good works), though
He accepted Abel`s blood offering (God`s prescribed way).
Cain rose up and slew his brother. God punished him by
driving him out of the midst of the people who served
God. Then God gave Adam and Eve another son, Seth, who
replaced Abel. The redeemer of the world would come from
Seth`s family.
But what about Cain`s family? The Bible reveals that
Cain`s son, Lamech, inherited Cain`s evil ways (Gen 4:19-
24). Sin added unto sin and Lamech boasted that he didn`t
need God`s protection because he had his sword. He
rejected God`s holy standards for marriage and took many
wives. He also killed a man for striking him showing his
contempt for God and his disregard for human life. Evil
spread very rapidly to all mankind through the ungodly
line of Cain.
Read More about Cain And Abel