Boanerges in Wikipedia
Mark 3:17
And James, the son of Zebedee, and John, the brother of
James, and he gave them the name Boanerges, which is Sons of
Jesus surnames the brothers James and John to reflect their
impetuosity. The Greek rendition of their name is Βοανηργες
There has been much speculation about this name. Given the
Greek translation that comes with it ('Sons of Thunder'), it
seems that the first element of the name is 'bnê', 'sons of'
(the plural of 'bar'), Aramaic (בני). This is represented by
βοανη (boanê), giving two vowels in the first syllable where
one would be sufficient. It could be inferred from this that
the Greek transliteration may not be a good one. The second
part of the name is often reckoned to be 'rğaš' ('tumult')
Aramaic (רגיש), or 'rğaz' ('anger') Aramaic (רגז). Maurice
Casey, however, argues that it is a simple misreading of the
word for thunder, 'r`am' (due to the similarity of s to the
final m). This is supported by one Syriac translation of the
name as 'bnay ra`mâ'. The Peshitta reads "bnay rğešy," which
would fit with a later composition for it, based on a
Byzantine reading of the original Greek.
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